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Adult day services are provided in non-residential settings. NPOC provides scheduled activities, formalized training, and staff supports to help individuals acquire and maintain self-help, behavioral and adaptive skills that enhance social, physical and mental development.

NPOC makes classes available on various topics of interest to individuals in adult day services and will also support individuals to participate in activities of interest presented to the general public. At this time, adult day habilitation is provided in two business settings, a woodshop, and two other sites throughout the community of North Platte.


Outgoing Services

A New Opportunity Thrift Store

A New Opportunity Thrift Store offers public shopping and is a day service training site. Individuals work on sorting, hanging, displaying goods, and waiting on customers. Habilitation is also provided in all activities of daily living, which are needed for one to interact with the public. We also take donations of good quality items. We rely on donations from the community to stay open. Money is put back into services we provide.

A New Opportunity Thrift Store is open from 9am to 4pm, Monday - Friday at 1616 W. Front St. 

Copy Center

The Copy Center is a business owned by NPOC, which provides goods and services produced by those we serve to the general public. Individuals are trained to perform jobs like folding, stapling, three-hole punching, binding, using copy machines, and using telephone skills. The duties combine hand/eye coordination, staying on task, following instructions, and personal care, which is appropriate for interacting with the public. The Copy Center offers tickets, business cards, invitations for weddings and other occasions, notepads, laminating, signs, and more.

Sandhills Industries

A business owned and operated by NPOC. The products are produced by those we serve as well as laborers that work alongside them.  Products produced at this location include birdhouses, coat racks, and other wooden crafts –we no longer make pallets. This is a day services site that provides vocational and other habilitation services.

Artisan Co-op

Those we serve are an integral part of the production of the Art Co-Op products that we sell at our New Opportunity Thrift Store. Each step of the products produced provide habilitation opportunities for those we serve. We create several items such as fragrance melts, candles, embroidered aprons and shopping bags, paper crafts, wood craft décor and handmade laundry soap. We will continue to expand the items we create as we define the interests and abilities of our individuals. The participants in this co-op will be paid a percentage of the revenue after deduction of the cost to produce the items. Art classes and training are provided by community members.

Adult Day Service

Individuals continue to receive habilitation in personal care, interactions, and leisure activities at the day service site and in various integrated community sites. A primary focus of training is maintaining the skills they have and supporting them with new opportunities in the community and the day service site.


Individuals take part in a variety of community volunteer activities. Some of the organizations our residents serve are Meals on Wheels, the Backpack Program, and Salvation Army. We also fold Bulletins, call bingo at the Care Center, clean the North Platte Senior Center, do laundry and wheelchair services at Great Plains Health, and watering flowers and cleaning at the Bus Barn.

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